

世界最後の煙の楽園(4) 中国 新疆ウイグル自治区 哈密市 三道嶺煤礦専用鉄路 The last paradise of steam (4) Sandaoling Coal Mine Railway, Hami, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China

三道嶺煤礦専用鉄路(4) プッシュプルによる運炭


Sandaoling Coal Mine Railway (4)  The push-pull cargo train
December 2014

This is the sequel of Sandaolin. This article shows the push-pull cargo train at the east side of the opencast. There is a military base around there and it is prohibited to get near to the base. 



余談ですが、今回はメインをOlympus E-M1、サブをE-PL2という組み合わせで、望遠と標準を適当に付け替えながら撮影していたのですが、画質はともかくとして(もちろんE-M1の方が高感度も強いですし、画質的にはこちらの方が上です。)、E-PL2の46万ドットの液晶ではマニュアルのピント合わせが苦しいですね。サブ機といえどもEVFは必須だと痛感した次第。あと、当たり前かもしれませんが、耐寒性も悪く、冷えると簡単にバッテリーが落ちます。バッテリーを暖めると復活するのですが。

When the weather is fine, Tienshan mountain range can be seen here, however, it couldn't appear during our stay.

Though the push-pull locomotives operate with tender-first, push-pull Jianshe type locomotives in grand wilderness are worth seeing.

As an aside, this time I used Olympus E-M1 and E-PL2. The quality of the image is not so different during daytime but the LCD of E-PL2 with 460 thousand dot is not sufficient to use for manual focusing. EVF is necessary for manual focusing. Furthermore, cold temperature resistance of E-PL2 is also not sufficient. When the camera is cold, the camera battery becomes low easily. After battery is warmed, it can work again.
In fact, I still keep Olympus E-5 but I replaced the main lenses with Micro Four-Thirds Lenses. E-5 and Four-Thirds lenses are too large and heavy to be brought with Micro Four-Thirds system. I should get E-M5 which the price is reasonable recently.

These pictures were taken here.

 Jianshe at Sandaoling

 Jianshe at Sandaoling

Jianshe at Sandaoling

Jianshe at Sandaoling

Jianshe at Sandaoling

Jianshe at Sandaoling
Tienshan mountain range can be seen lightly. It can be seen more clearly if the weather condition is fine.

Jianshe at Sandaoling

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