

世界最後の煙の楽園(8) 中国 新疆ウイグル自治区 哈密市 三道嶺煤礦専用鉄路 The last paradise of steam (8) Sandaoling Coal Mine Railway, Hami, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China

三道嶺煤礦専用鉄路(8) 露天鉱とレールバス


途中、レールバスが何かを牽引して通過したりしたのですが、Vikas Chander氏のSanDaoLing coal mining railwayによると、どうやら作業員用の飲料水を運んでいるそうです。

Sandaoling Coal Mine Railway (8)  Opencast and a railbus
December 2014

Though in the previous article, I mentioned that that was the last article about Sandaoling, I realized I still have some more remarkable pictures at the opencast. This is surely the last article about Sandaoling.

I saw a railbus pulling something. According to SanDaoLing coal mining railway by Mr. Vikas Chander, the cargo was drinking water for the workers.

These pictures were taken here.

Jianshe at Sandaoling

Jianshe at Sandaoling

Railbus at Sandaoling
A railbus and cargo train pass each other.

Railbus at Sandaoling
It is said that the cargo is drinking water.

Jianshe at Sandaoling

Jianshe at Sandaoling

Jianshe at Sandaoling

Jianshe at Sandaoling

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