黒竜江省 綏棱森林鉄道
Suileng Forest Railway in Heilongjiang province
December 2012
This article is a sequel of the series of the articles of Suileng Forest Railway.
The weather at Suilen in the end of 2012 was not good. Especially on the first day, it was blizzard all day.
I visited the north east region in China in winter but had never experienced this kind of severe snow fall which had affected taking pictures.
Though I don't think it was because of the bad weather, the temperature outside was minus 25 degree Celsius. Off course the passenger car didn't have any heater and it is severe for the passengers.
When we climb mountain in winter, the temperature is also very cold but we don't feel cold as long as we are walking. When we sat in the train, it was very difficult to be patient.
氷点下25度での発車ですので、煙も水蒸気も見事なものです。 It was minus 25 degree Celsius. The smoke and steam was so great at the departure. |
吹雪の中を北進します。 The train is going in blizzard. |
凍結した川を渡ってきます。 The train passes the frozen river. |
太陽も顔を出していますが、粉雪も舞っています。 It was shining but still light snow was falling also. |
C2型機関車のキャブです。 The cab of C2 Type steam locomotive |
カメラバッグにぶら下げていた温度計は氷点下25度を示しています。 The temperature gauge hung on the camera bag indicated minus 25 degree Celsius. |
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