東部ジャワ、Madiun市周辺の蒸気機関車 Purwodadi砂糖工場(1)
この3年の間に、多くの製糖工場で蒸気機関車での運搬が廃止されてしまいましたが、少なくとも2箇所だけは残っているという話でしたので、その2箇所、PG. Purwodadiと、PG. Kanigoroを訪問してきました。両工場とも東ジャワ州のMadiunという町の近郊に位置しています。また、そのついでに、同じくMadiun市にあるPG. Pagotanにも足を伸ばしました。PG. Pagotanでは、ファイアレス化改造された蒸気機関車が使用されています。
Steam Locomotives around Madiun city in East Java, Purwodadi Sugar Factory (1)
August 2016
In this summer, I visited sugar mills in Indonesia for the first time in threea years.
Recent years, it is said that most of the sugar mills in Java island in Indonesia stopped using steam locomotives to carry harvested sugarcane. However, it is also said that at least two mills are still using the steam locomotives. Thus, I visited those two mills, PG. Purwodadi and PG. Kanigoro. Both mills are located near to Madiun town in East Java province. Also I visited PG. Pagotan which uses fireless steam locomotives.
PG. Purwodadiですが、運行区間は短いのですが、一応SLによるプッシュプル「もどき」(後補機は直後を着いていくだけで、途中で一端停止した後で、本務機、というか、牽引機が切り離されて先行、後補機、というか後ろにいた機関車が工場まで押し込んでいく、という運用)を見ることができますし、それなりの頻度で運行されていますので、それなりに楽しむことができます。また、夜間も8時頃までは運搬していますので、インドネシアの蒸気の定番とも言える、火花を散らしながら走る姿も目にすることができます。
Firstly I explain the condition of the operation of the steam locomotives in these three mills.
At Purwodadi, two steam locomotives are used in the harvest season of sugarcane between March and September. However, they use diesel locomotives as well. Moreover, it seems steam locomotives don't have sufficient power anymore. I'm not sure they will use the steam locomotives so long.
The railway of PG. Purwodadi, the operating distance is short but we can see "push-pull like" operation. They use two locomotives to carry the cargo but the second one just follows the train and after the first locomotive is uncoupled it push the cargo to the factory. They frequently operate the train in the peak season of sugarcane harvest. They work until around 8 p.m. We can see the well-known sparkling steam locomotives here.
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