

中部ベトナムの鉄道(1) Railway in the central Vietnam (1)

中部ベトナムの鉄道 (1)

ここ数年、ベトナムに用事があってチョコチョコ出かけています。なかなか鉄道で移動する機会がなかったのですが、最近ようやく鉄道でHue - Vinh - Ha Noi間を移動することができるようになりました。今年の11月からはこれまで以上にベトナム出張が増えますので、鉄道で移動する機会も、鉄道を撮影する機会も増えると思います。

Trains in the central Vietnam (1)
Jun - Jul 2015

I have visited Vietnam often for these a few years. I hadn't had chance to use railway to move from a pilot site to another pilot site. Recently, I could use night train to move between Hue, Vinh and Ha Noi. I will work in Vietnam more often from Nov 2015. I will be able to use railways and take pictures of trains more.


写真展「世界の線路端から」開幕しました。 The first day of the photo exhibition "The scenery beside the railway all over the world"



The photo exhibition has begun. The first day, today, opening party was held. The honorable editor in chief of "Rail fun", the most popular railway magazine in Japan, Mr. Hiroyuki Miyata attended at the party and made a speech.

The venue. There were many guests today.


火車撮影家集団写真展「世界の線路端から」 Photo exhibition of "The Huǒchē (Train) Photographer Group", "The scenery beside the railway all over the world"


ピックアップ写真展 火車撮影家集団写真展「世界の線路端から」


Photo exhibition of "The Huǒchē (Train) Photographer Group" of which I'm a member is going to be held at IDEM Photo Gallery "Sirius" at Shinjuku from 8 Oct - 14 Oct. The theme of the exhibition is "The scenery beside the railway all over the world".

Photo Exhibition of The Huǒchē (Train) Photographer Group, "The scenery beside the railway all over the world"