

中部ベトナムの鉄道(1) Railway in the central Vietnam (1)

中部ベトナムの鉄道 (1)

ここ数年、ベトナムに用事があってチョコチョコ出かけています。なかなか鉄道で移動する機会がなかったのですが、最近ようやく鉄道でHue - Vinh - Ha Noi間を移動することができるようになりました。今年の11月からはこれまで以上にベトナム出張が増えますので、鉄道で移動する機会も、鉄道を撮影する機会も増えると思います。

Trains in the central Vietnam (1)
Jun - Jul 2015

I have visited Vietnam often for these a few years. I hadn't had chance to use railway to move from a pilot site to another pilot site. Recently, I could use night train to move between Hue, Vinh and Ha Noi. I will work in Vietnam more often from Nov 2015. I will be able to use railways and take pictures of trains more.


写真展「世界の線路端から」開幕しました。 The first day of the photo exhibition "The scenery beside the railway all over the world"



The photo exhibition has begun. The first day, today, opening party was held. The honorable editor in chief of "Rail fun", the most popular railway magazine in Japan, Mr. Hiroyuki Miyata attended at the party and made a speech.

The venue. There were many guests today.


火車撮影家集団写真展「世界の線路端から」 Photo exhibition of "The Huǒchē (Train) Photographer Group", "The scenery beside the railway all over the world"


ピックアップ写真展 火車撮影家集団写真展「世界の線路端から」


Photo exhibition of "The Huǒchē (Train) Photographer Group" of which I'm a member is going to be held at IDEM Photo Gallery "Sirius" at Shinjuku from 8 Oct - 14 Oct. The theme of the exhibition is "The scenery beside the railway all over the world".

Photo Exhibition of The Huǒchē (Train) Photographer Group, "The scenery beside the railway all over the world"


はまなす・カシオペア ”Hamanasu" and "Cassiopeia"




Though it was anticipated, "Hamanasu" and "Cassiopeia" are going to be taken off next spring.
I'm so sorry but I could understand the reason why they are going to disappear when I saw the tattered body of  the passenger cars of "Hamanasu". The railway company didn't repair them because they might have decided to stop operation of "Hamanasu" in the spring 2016 since long time ago.

Type DD51 diesel locomotives of JR Hokkaido must retire when these two express trains disappear. Type ED79 also retire when Hokkaido Shinkansen commence commercial operation in March 2016. It means the last "D" type electronic locomotive will wholly drop off.


モンゴルの鉄道 Railway in Mongolia




Trains in Mongolia

I could visit Mongolia in this August. I went to the Khonkhor loop near Ulan bator to take pictures.

Since I didn't have enough time, I couldn't take long shots from the surrounding hills. If possible, I'd like to visit here again.

さよなら北斗星 Good-bye Hokutosei





Hokutosei, the last blue train in Japan has taken off on 22th Aug 2015 as an extra train.

Akebono, Hokutosei and Twilight Express were disappeared in 2014 and 2015. The next might be Cassiopeia and Hamanasu in 2016.

I took pictures of Hokutosei in 2014 and 2015 at Higashi Jujo station in Tokyo. I post them in memory of Hokutosei.


E-M1動体AFテスト E-M1 C-AF Test


Olympus E-M1とM.ZD40-150mm F2.8の組み合わせのC-AFで連写した写真ですが、9シーン、271枚の連続写真をFlickrにアップロードしてみましたので、ご参考までにどうぞ。

It is said that C-AF of  Mirror-less cameras is not accurate enough to shoot moving body. However, recently the accuracy of C-AF to track train especially steam trains which run not so fast.

I uploaded 271 pictures of 9 scenes taken by Olympus E-M1 and M.ZD 40-150mm F2.8 with C-AF function on flickr.


中国 遼寧省鉄嶺市調兵山市の蒸気機関車(4) 世界で最後に製造された蒸気機関車 The latest steam locomotive all over the world




At Tiefa Coal Railway at Diaobingshan city has been operating commuter train pulled by steam locomotives but the commuter trains are going to retire soon. (They might have retired.)

I thought the steam trains at Tiefa would not stop using steam locomotives soon, I have not taken the pictures seriously. I wanted to visit there and spend several days again in near future but it might be too late.

By the way, at Tiefa, they have the latest steam locomotive all over the world.


C61 SLばんえつ物語号 試運転 The trial run of "SL Ban' Etsu Monogatari Train with C61" at Ban' Etsu West line

C61 SLばんえつ物語号 試運転
2015年 4月



The trial run of "SL Ban' Etsu Monogatari Train with C61" at Ban' Etsu West line
April 2015

I visited Ban' Etsu West Line to see the trial run of "SL Ban' Etsu Monogatari Train" operated between Niitsu and Aizu-Wakamatsu with C61 20 on 29 -30 April. The commercial service train is being operated with C61 20 all weekend in May.

In this year, the temperature was high and volume of smoke was not so much. However, the locomotive runs impressively with much black smoke on uphill slope.


豪雪の中を行くD51(磐越西線2006年) D51 in heavy snow (Ban' Etsu West line in 2006)

SL磐梯会津路号 (D51 498)
2006年 2月


SL Bandai Aizu ji Train at Ban' Etsu West line (D51 498)
February 2006

I visited electrified section of Ban' Etsu West Line in February 2006, too. I took the picture of D51 in heavy snow but I don't remember the exact location. I just remember that I visited a hot spring at Okinashima on the way back home and I bought local Sake of Aizu at a liquor shop in front of Okinashima station. I checked the picture, map and the time table of SL Bandai Aizu ji train very carefully and estimated the location. It would be a curve under Takamori mountain between Okinashima station and Sarashina signal station. If it's wrong, I'm sorry.


磐越西線「福が満開ふくしま号」試運転 The trial run of "SL Fukushima Full of Happiness Train" at Ban' Etsu West line

SL福が満開ふくしま号 試運転 (D51 498)
2015年 4月



The trial run of "SL Fukushima Full of Happiness Train" at Ban' Etsu West line (D51 498)
April 2015

I visited Ban' Etsu West Line to see  "SL Fukushima Full of Happiness Train" operated with D51 type steam locomotive and old fashioned passenger cars. The trial run was operated on 14 - 16 April and the commercial service train is operated on 18 and 19 April.

Unfortunately the weather condition was not so excellent. The wind was strong enough to blow the steam and smoke of SL and the sky was clouded. However, I could take picture of the train with Bandai Mountain even though the mountain was not clearly seen. And cherry blossoms in Koriyama city was fully bloomed. In contrast, in the mountainous area and Aizu region, cherry blossoms were not bloomed yet.


列車の墓場 The Train Cemetery

ボリビア ウユニ 列車の墓場


Train Cemetery at Uyuni in Bolivia
March 2015

In February and March 2015, I had something to do in Bolivia and stayed one month there. I visited a strange place located near to Uyuni salt flats in Potosi province known as "Train Cemetery".


晩秋の釜石線SL銀河 Preserved Steam Train, SL Galaxy at Kamaishi Line in late autumn

岩手県 釜石線 C58 239 (SL銀河)
2014年 11月


Preserved Steam Train, SL Galaxy at Kamaishi Line in Iwate prefecture
November 2014

Though I'm sorry that this article is about the picture taken the last year, I had something to do in Iwate prefecture in November 2014 and took pictures of SL Galaxy at Kamaishi line en passant.


福島県 只見線 只見線紅葉号 試運転 (C11 325) The trial run of Tadami sen Koyo go (Autumn Leaves Train at Tadami line) at Tadami line in the west part of Fukushima prefecture (C11 325)

只見線紅葉号 試運転 (C11 325)
2014年 11月


The trial run of Autumn Leaves Train at Tadami line (C11 325)
November 2014

Though it's already getting warm, this article shows the pictures of Tadami line in the late autumn in 2014. 

In the autumn in 2014, I went several places to take pictures of preserved steam trains in Japan but I didn't have spare time to organize the pictures. I will upload the pictures of SL Galaxy at Kamaishi line in Iwate prefecture in November 2014.


世界最後の煙の楽園(8) 中国 新疆ウイグル自治区 哈密市 三道嶺煤礦専用鉄路 The last paradise of steam (8) Sandaoling Coal Mine Railway, Hami, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China

三道嶺煤礦専用鉄路(8) 露天鉱とレールバス


途中、レールバスが何かを牽引して通過したりしたのですが、Vikas Chander氏のSanDaoLing coal mining railwayによると、どうやら作業員用の飲料水を運んでいるそうです。

Sandaoling Coal Mine Railway (8)  Opencast and a railbus
December 2014

Though in the previous article, I mentioned that that was the last article about Sandaoling, I realized I still have some more remarkable pictures at the opencast. This is surely the last article about Sandaoling.

I saw a railbus pulling something. According to SanDaoLing coal mining railway by Mr. Vikas Chander, the cargo was drinking water for the workers.



世界最後の煙の楽園(6) 中国 新疆ウイグル自治区 哈密市 三道嶺煤礦専用鉄路 The last paradise of steam (6) Sandaoling Coal Mine Railway, Hami, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China



Sandaoling Coal Mine Railway (6)  "Erupting Locomotives"
December 2014

This is the sequel of Sandaolin. The "Erupting Locomotives" very famous among mavins are shown in this article.

世界最後の煙の楽園(5) 中国 新疆ウイグル自治区 哈密市 三道嶺煤礦専用鉄路 The last paradise of steam (5) Sandaoling Coal Mine Railway, Hami, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China



Sandaoling Coal Mine Railway (5)  The commuter trains for the labors
December 2014

This is the sequel of Sandaolin. Here I show the picture of the commuter trains for the labors working in coal mine operated only in morning and night. It is commuter trains but the vehicles are boxcars.

世界最後の煙の楽園(4) 中国 新疆ウイグル自治区 哈密市 三道嶺煤礦専用鉄路 The last paradise of steam (4) Sandaoling Coal Mine Railway, Hami, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China

三道嶺煤礦専用鉄路(4) プッシュプルによる運炭


Sandaoling Coal Mine Railway (4)  The push-pull cargo train
December 2014

This is the sequel of Sandaolin. This article shows the push-pull cargo train at the east side of the opencast. There is a military base around there and it is prohibited to get near to the base. 

世界最後の煙の楽園(3) 中国 新疆ウイグル自治区 哈密市 三道嶺煤礦専用鉄路 The last paradise of steam (3) Sandaoling Coal Mine Railway, Hami, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China

三道嶺煤礦専用鉄路(3) 露天鉱西側の状況


Sandaoling Coal Mine Railway (3)  The current condition of the west side of the opencast
December 2014

This is the sequel of Sandaolin. This article shows the current condition of the west side of the opencast. They are backfilling the opencast and the West station is not in use already, unfortunately. There are some rails removed from the opencast.


世界最後の煙の楽園(2) 中国 新疆ウイグル自治区 哈密市 三道嶺煤礦専用鉄路 The last paradise of steam (2) Sandaoling Coal Mine Railway, Hami, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China

三道嶺煤礦専用鉄路(2) 露天掘内の路線


Sandaoling Coal Mine Railway (2)  The last rail line going down to the opencast
December 2014

This is the sequel of Sandaolin. In this article, I show the current condition of the last rail line going down to the open-pit coal mine.


世界最後の煙の楽園(1) 中国 新疆ウイグル自治区 哈密市 三道嶺煤礦専用鉄路 The last paradise of steam (1) Sandaoling Coal Mine Railway, Hami, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China

三道嶺煤礦専用鉄路(1) 炭鉱の夕景



Sandaoling Coal Mine Railway (1)  Sunset at open-pit coal mine
December 2014

In December 2014, I visited Sandaoling Coal Mine Railway in Hami city in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

This place is famous as many steam engines around open-pit coal mine, as well as Jalainur in Inner Mongolia. However, it seems to be going to end.