

世界最後の煙の楽園(5) 中国 新疆ウイグル自治区 哈密市 三道嶺煤礦専用鉄路 The last paradise of steam (5) Sandaoling Coal Mine Railway, Hami, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China



Sandaoling Coal Mine Railway (5)  The commuter trains for the labors
December 2014

This is the sequel of Sandaolin. Here I show the picture of the commuter trains for the labors working in coal mine operated only in morning and night. It is commuter trains but the vehicles are boxcars.



When I see the boxcars carrying labors, I remind some scenes of some films such as "Enemy at the gate"(2001) that infantry of the Soviet military were carried to Stalingrad or "Generation War(Unsere Mutter, Unsere Vater) (2013)" that Jewish people were carried to the concentration camp. I have no idea how Chinese people feel about it.

The train to carry the labors from the coal mine is operated in dark night but the morning train carrying the labors to the coal mine is operated under dawn purple. We can take pictures of the morning train. Width of China from east to west is so wide but the standard time in China is only Beijing time officially. The sunrise in Sandaoling in the end of December is a little past 8:30. 

These pictures were taken here.

Jianshe at Sandaoling

Jianshe at Sandaoling

Jianshe at Sandaoling
The locomotive brow fire sparks. Later I will introduce the fire spark train in the dark night.

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